Home Buyers
Closing cost credit
.5% back at closing
If you choose Bullseye Realty Group to be your Buyer Agent and represent you in your home purchase, you’ll get a closing cost credit equal to .5% the purchase price. This will be written into your purchase and sale agreement and will help to defray your closing costs/escrows (see below).
Example: Buy a $500,000 house and get a credit of $2,500 towards closing costs on your settlement statement.
This will come directly out of our commission and be listed on your closing statement as a seller or broker credit.
Move into a professionally cleaned home
Bullseye Realty Group will pay (up to $250) to have your new home professionally cleaned BEFORE you move in.
The standard clause in every purchase and sale agreement states that the house “be left in broom clean condition”. The last thing you want to be doing is cleaning showers, toilets, carpets and kitchens before you move into your new home. We’ll take care of that for you.
Buyer Closing Costs
When buying a home and obtaining a mortgage you can expect to pay the following closing costs (at a minimum). Expect to pay at least $2,800.
- Underwriting Fee: $850-$1,100 Fee the bank charges to underwrite your loan.
- Appraisal Fee: $385-$550 Fee the bank charges to do your appraisal.
- Attorney Fee: $550-$850 Fee an attorney will charge. Includes closing, title work, etc.
- Recording Fee: $225-$400 Depends on how much has to get recorded at the registry. Some properties have registered land, which is a separate fee to record.
- MLC Fee: $50-75 to obtain Municipal Lien Certificate
- Lenders Title Insurance: $450 and up….depends on loan size
- Owners Title Insurance: $450 and up….depends on loan size
- Copy Fee….Fedex Fee….Bank Wire Fee.. Admin Fee are also minimal fees that could be charged. Usually less than $200 combined.